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tamoadmin 2024-08-02
1.求汉语翻译下面短文。2.美国篮球火箭队的名称的由来是什么?3.英文好的看过来~~Hobby,Oveta Culp 资料0_04.求高手帮忙翻译NBA是Nat



3.英文好的看过来~~Hobby,Oveta Culp 资料0_0



NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写 全美职业篮球联赛

总裁:大卫·斯特恩(Did Stern)




大西洋赛区 :纽约尼克斯队、新泽西网队、波士顿凯尔特人队、多伦多猛龙队、费城76人队

中部赛区 :底特律活塞队、印第安纳步行者队、克利夫兰骑士队、密尔沃基雄鹿队、芝加哥公牛队

东南部赛区 :迈阿密热火队、奥兰多魔术队、华盛顿奇才队、亚特兰大老鹰队、夏洛特山猫队


西北赛区 :明尼苏达州森林狼队、丹佛掘金队、犹他爵士队、波特兰开拓者队、俄克拉荷马雷霆队(前超音速)




I like to watch the NBA, the NBA is the world's highest level of professional basketball league. Created it from the 1960s to today, however, it has become the most concentrated commercial elements and operation of one of the best sports. NBA now has 30 ball Team, nearly 1,000 players. in the president under the leadership of Did, the NBA is in full to the world, like basketball into each person's vision. NBA has strict rules, no one can breach, including Did himself. the NBA money is a country, where if a superb game, the team can bring victory brought fans joy, then perhaps you today is a poverty-stricken, tomorrow you he 100 million net worth is the super-rich. here no sympathy, no tears, only fighting, only constantly forward. most important is the forite or the fans watch the matches, players reciate the superb game, then you may be here a dunk and full-blooded, as a victory and excited for a Consequently and lost. This is my forite NBA, through the NBA, I learned: If you he a goal, then you only effort, only to pay more than others, will get you think





英文好的看过来~~Hobby,Oveta Culp 资料0_0

1967年,圣地亚哥成为了NBA联盟中的第12个成员。市号召市民为球队起名。在经过几番挑选以后,能够反应当地迅速发展的太空时代工业的“火箭”成为了球队的名字。火箭的老家是加州的圣迭哥,圣迭哥的外号是“动感之城(City in Motion),于是当地人在最初的投票中就选择火箭作为队名。10-11赛季,球队搬到得州的休斯顿,比起圣迭哥,休斯顿似乎更适合火箭这个名称。在火箭离开后,圣迭哥一直憧憬着能再拥有一支NBA球队。18年,原本位于纽约州的布法罗勇士终于搬到这里。球队高层认为勇士根本不符合圣迭哥的形象,又是一轮全民公决,以水上运动著称的圣迭哥以近海随处可见的快船(Clippers)作为球队的新名称——游客们真的很喜欢坐着快船在蓝天碧海中游弋。圣迭哥注定与NBA无缘,年,快船再次搬到邻近的洛杉矶,洛杉矶也成为拥有两支NBA球队的城市。 虽然火箭队在11年搬到了休斯顿。但火箭的名字同样适用。因为美国航天航空中心NASA就设在当地。火箭队是一支有高中锋传统的球队,从早期的摩西-马龙(Moses Malone)、拉尔夫-桑普森到奥拉朱旺(Hakeem Olajuwon),以及2003年首轮选中的中国中锋姚明。1967火箭队年加入NBA,当时落户于圣地亚哥,经历了4个平淡的赛季后,于11年搬到休斯顿。

历史:1967-71 圣地亚哥火箭队(San Diego Rockets)

11-今 休斯顿火箭队(Houston Rockets)



A.Why are they famous

答:Oveta Culp是美国历史上第二位女内阁成员(联邦社保署署长) 她的丈夫William P. Hobby是第二十七任德州州长以及休斯顿邮报的发行人(Publisher of the Houston Post-Dispatch). 作为二战时the Women's Army Corps的一名上校,她在维护战时女性的权益方面做了很多。

Hobby and her supporters withstood extremists' accusations of undermining American womanhood and undermining the sanctity of home and the family.

In 1953 she was ointed director of the Federal Security Agency, which was reorganized as the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. She was the second woman to hold a U.S. cabinet position

B.B.How did they help make Houston a better place to live or what impact did they lee on Houston.

答:Oveta Culp与她的丈夫为休斯顿的媒体行业的发展做出了很大贡献,还帮助设立了Hobby基金等慈善机构

She found time to serve on the boards of businesses and nonprofit organizations, including the Bank of Texas and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Her philanthropic activities included running the Hobby Foundation.

C.A synopsis of their famous Houstonians's life


D.Birth date and day their famous Houstonian died

答:Oveta Culp: Jan. 19, 1905 - August 16, 1995

William P. Hobby: March 26, 1878–June 7, 1964


答:Oveta Culp was educated privately and for a time attended Mary Hardin-Baylor College. A graduate of the University of Texas Law School.


F.Family and Career

G.Interesting facts





YaoMing was born September 12, 1980 in ShangHai.姚明出生于上海1980年9月12日。 At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA.在二二六厘米时,他是在NBA最高的人之一。 He has played basketball all of his life but in 19 he joined the ShangHai Sharks.他生活的一切是打篮球,但在19年,他加入了上海大鲨鱼队。 In 1998 YaoMing joined the Chinese National team.姚明在1998年加入中国国家队。 In the year 2000 Yao joined the All-Star team of Asia.在2000年姚明加入了亚洲全明星队。 Last year YaoMing was selected first in the NBA Draft by Houston.去年姚明入选NBA的第一个草案由休斯顿。 He was one of few first year players to make the NBA All-Star team.他是为数不多的第一年的球员之一,让NBA全明星队。 He has gotten off to a good start with the Houston Rockets this year by scoring 19 points in his first game.他已经有了一个与休斯顿火箭队今年的良好开局的第一场比赛得分在19分。 YaoMing now plays in the Houston Toyota Center.姚明现在在休斯敦丰田中心。 Although he played well last year, YaoMing will be more aggressive because he is ed by former NBA All-Star Patrick Ewing, who was known for his aggressive style of play.虽然他去年打得很好,姚明将更加积极,因为他是前NBA全明星帕特里克尤因,谁是他的发挥积极的执教风格闻名。 YaoMing loves meat and the color blue.姚明喜欢肉和蓝色。 He has much respect for ZhouEnlai.他非常尊敬的国家金牌奖。